Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Fierce Dragon

Once upon a time there was a fierce dragon who lived in a large Castle near the pub.

 Each night he  flew down to the pub to have his favourite drink and favourite food for dinner with his girlfriend . He loved Macaroni Cheese because he could melt the cheese with his fire breathing.

After dinner his girlfriend and him played Uno and table tennis until midnight!


  1. Hi Cody, I read your story to Ruth at work today and she said she really enjoyed your story. Very Good.
    Well done

  2. Wow Cody! That's a great story. Macaroni with melted cheese sounds delicious. I also love the picture you have chosen. Well done!
    Auntie Bron

  3. Haha Cody that is a really cool story. Why does the Dragon live near the Pub does he like ginger beer as well ;)
